Spicy Wildflower Honey with Infused Chilies
Here’s a perfect combination of a rich multi floral wildflower honey with infused hot chilies. Wildflower with Chilies has a bold and tasty combination with many foods. It’s sweet and packs an extra punch of heat.
Persons intolerant of hot or spicy products should first test a small of this product before freely using using.
Use as an excellent dipping sauce or a meat rub before grilling. Top your pizza, dip your cured meats and cheeses. Add to nachos as a sipping sauce for chicken and meats, or in a small cup to complement your charcuterie board.
It’s all natural, gluten free, paleo friendly and has no artificial sugars or preservatives. Seal after each use and store at room temperature. Warm if crystals appear.
Portion Overview (for an 8 ounce jar):
1 teaspoon / day is 1/6 ounce and makes 48 days of servings.
2 teaspoons / day is 1/3 ounce and makes 24 days of servings.
1 tablespoon / day is 1/2 ounce and makes 16 days of servings.
2 tablespoons / day is 1 ounce and makes 8 days of servings.